Yesterday, Marvel Studios unveiled the trailer and release date for the upcoming animated series What If...? on Disney+. One of the big draws of the show is that MCU stars will provide the voices for the animated versions of their characters - with a major twist. The show explores the multiverse, so your favorite characters are going to take on new roles - like T-Challa as Star-Lord and Peggy Carter as super solider Captain Carter. This, of course, will make for some very interesting Funko Pops.
The first wave of What If...? Funko Pops debuted as part of Marvel's Must Haves program, but pre-orders did not launch alongside the announcement. As expected, Funko didn't wait long to get them up and running.
The common What If...? Funko Pop wave includes Captain Carter, T'Challa as Star-Lord, A super-sized Iron Steve Rogers, Gamora, and Doctor Strange. Variants of T'Challa Star-Lord, Captain Carter, and Doctor Strange are earmarked as exclusives as is Thor, King Killmonger. Pre-orders are live now via the links below. Note that Loki Funko Pops based on Episode 5 also launched today.
0commentsWestworld star Jeffrey Wright serves as the narrator for What If...?, voicing the all-seeing Watcher. The rest of the cast is filled with current and former MCU stars voicing their live-action characters in this animated format. Samuel L. Jackson, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Josh Brolin, Hayley Atwell, Jeremy Renner, Paul Rudd, Natalie Portman, Michael Douglas, Michael B. Jordan, Sebastian Stan, Michael Rooker, Tom Hiddleston, and the late Chadwick Boseman will all be reprising their roles for the series, along with several other MCU stars.
Marvel's What If...? is set to premiere on Disney+ August 11th.
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2021-07-09 17:30:00Z
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