Popular actor Byeon Woo-Seok, who currently appears in the tvN K-drama Lovely Runner, was recently embroiled in dating rumors. Amidst the drama’s major success worldwide, rumors broke out about the actor being in a relationship with model Jeon Ji-Su. After being subjected to rumors about the two hanging out together, Byeon Woo-Seok’s agency denied the rumors and told local news reports that this news was “unfounded.”
Meanwhile, Byeon Woo-Seok has become a phenomenon with his memorable role in the tvN K-drama Lovely Runner. Given the drama’s success and popularity, many fans have recognized the actor’s potential as he stars with co-star Kim Hye-Yoon.
Byeon Woo-Seok’s agency issues clarification on the actor’s dating rumors with model Jeon Ji-Su
Recently, various posts that circulated in online communities speculated that Byeon Woo-Seok might be dating model Jeon Ji-Su. These rumors arose due to a series of Instagram posts that the two shared that captured them in similar locations. Moreover, what fueled these rumors is the fact that the two have also been following each other on Instagram. Given Byeon Woo-Seok’s popularity on Lovely Runner, the rumors refused to subside.
Eventually, the actor’s agency, VARO Entertainment, issued a statement to Newsen, clarifying the rumors as baseless. They said (originally in Korean), “It is not true at all. It is true that they went to the location together, but they went with other friends.” While stressing that other college friends were also present, the agency further revealed that the model is “just a college classmate and has a boyfriend.”
Meanwhile, Byeon Woo-Seok is gaining fame for portraying the lead in the highly popular tvN K-drama Lovely Runner. The series follows the story of a fangirl named Im Sol (Kim Hye-Yoon), who travels back in time to save her favorite idol, Ryu Sun-Jae (Byeon Woo-Seok). The series is also becoming a fan favorite with each passing episode, providing interesting characters and plot developments. It is available to stream on Viki.
Furthermore, Byeon Woo-Seok is also embarking on his first Asia fan meeting tour, SUMMER LETTER. The tour will kick off in June 2024 in Taipei, followed by various other cities, including Bangkok, Seoul, and Hong Kong.
2024-05-10 06:46:05Z
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